“If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” Lilla Watson

We are fellow travellers on this journey of life and when we sit together, I am in the role of therapist and you are in the role of client. Each person who sits in the client seat brings the sacred gift of their vulnerability and I learn with each client and with every session. I continue to have my own therapy because, like you, I am a work in progress.
Experience and Qualifications
I have come to my work as a psychotherapist through an unusual route. I have been working therapeutically and experientially with clients since I qualified in Equine Facilitated Learning with Eponaquest in 2009. Since then I have completed a Level 7 postgraduate diploma in treatment of Complex Trauma and PTSD and for the last 4 years been immersing myself in the study and practice of AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), achieving certification in 2023. I also qualified in Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting.
I spent 6 years working with IFEEL Qualifications as Course Director, Tutor, Mentor and Assessor and was key in developing the first Level 5 and 6 accredited Equine Faciliated Human Development courses in the UK and the first Ofqual regulated qualifications in this field. I continue to supervise Equine Facilitated Therapists.
About Me
I live in rural Wiltshire with my wife Suzanne and our two ponies, Widgey and Dream. We are currently without greyhound friends but hope to remedy that at some point in the future. My sustenance comes from horses, nature, friends, family and silliness.
” I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. Also in singing, especially when singing is not necessarily prescribed”
Mary Oliver
Professional Memberships
Accredited Member and Accredited Supervisor – National Council for Psychotherapy
Senior Accredited Member – SAFE Professionals (Standards for Assisted and Facilitated Equine Professionals)